Mexico's 'Grand Warlock' Predicts Brazil Will Win World Cup | Soccer

Mexico's self-proclaimed 'Grand Warlock' -- Antonio Vazquez -- gave his 2014 World Cup predictions in Mexico City, foreseeing a sixth victory for the hosts, Brazil.

Antonio Vazquez, known as Mexico's 'Brujo Mayor' or 'Grand Warlock', said the Brazilians will probably face Netherlands in the final.

"The final will be won by Brazil, which is what I have been saying since last year. Probably the final, it is most probable, that the final will be against Holland, but Brazil will win because it's (Latin) America for the (Latin) Americans," he said.

The Brazilians are also favorites with many bookmakers and analysts, but Vazquez said the predictions are not definitive -- because they can be counteracted by magic spells.



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"Mexico's 'Grand Warlock' Predicts Brazil Will Win World Cup "