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- iHaveNet.com: Fitness
When it comes to exercise, the food you eat before and after a workout can maximize the results of your exercise routine. Coach Yarixa Ferrao tells how to get the best workout results from your food
A certified yoga instructor gives tips on taking your running regimen to the next level by building strength, flexibility, and focus
With energy to spare, dogs can make excellent running companions. Plus, it's hard to blow off your workout when your dog is begging for a run. Here are some factors to consider before planning a run with your dog
Here's Jenny Champion's variety of 30-minute exercise routines that can be done virtually anywhere with little to no equipment
The key to setting and achieving fitness goals when juggling a busy schedule is this: don't set yourself up to fail. Here are a few tips for fitting in fitness -- no matter your schedule
Learn how to bring your workouts to the next level by joining a running club or with the help of these running apps
Innovative, fun workouts make getting sweaty a whole lot more fun and social. Whether you're a gung-ho class-goer or just dipping in a toe, here are five unique group fitness classes to put on your to-do list
The power to stay motivated is right in the palm of your hand. These five fitness apps will analyze your progress, show you proper form, challenge you to try new workouts, and even make you money
Herein lies the vicious cycle: Are obese women obese because they move less, or are they moving less because they are obese? Does it really matter which came first? I don't think so
Finding the right type of exercise that best suits you, your personality, interests, needs and goals can be the key to getting the habit to stick. To discover the right type of exercise for you, consider the following guide
Introducing a new type of exercise to your usual routine can kick-start your resolve and results. If you're in a fitness rut, consider the following classes, which are taking studios and gyms by storm. One of these types of exercise may be just what you need
In spite all of the benefits, many women still avoid weight room. Intimidated or not sure where to start? I've got you covered. The following basic, effective routine is simple and easy to learn. Plus, it only takes 20 to 30 minutes from start to finish
It's important to teach your kids about fitness at an early age. With that in mind, consider my four suggestions to combine workouts with family time. I guarantee you'll have a blast while working up a sweat!
As you lose weight, your body lowers its energy needs. But physical activity and diet may help win the battle in the end. If you've ever tried to lose weight, you probably know how frustrating it is to cut back on your calorie intake only to see no weight loss
Feeling hungry and deprived is not an unusual consequence of the typical weight loss diet that stresses restricting food to lose weight. Even though 'eat less' is the mantra of weight loss, dieting does not have to be about deprivation and hunger
Don't know where to begin? Start with the following advice. These tips will help you choose the best gear, prevent injuries and keep you running throughout the season -- and beyond. Ready, set, go!
The reality is that many hidden dangers exist in health clubs, from cold- and flu-causing viruses to risky equipment. Use these tips, and the only thing you'll bring home from the gym is a better physique
Some research does show that errands and chores can help improve cardiovascular fitness -- especially if that's the only exercise you get
I'm not surprised to learn that a new trend in weight loss is catching on in a major way. Namely, putting your money where your mouth is by dieting for dollars
Think you're doomed to add 5 pounds over the holidays? Maybe not! Here's how to enjoy your favorite treats and still keep to your weight loss goals
Our health coach shows you how to eat, drink and be merry -- without the holiday weight gain
You don't have to blow your diet or your exercise program during the season of eating and socializing. Just follow this easy advice
You're probably approaching abs the wrong way. But again, don't despair. We've got the fix, and we're sharing it with you
Just in time for the Olympics, Olympic stars Allyson Felix and Steve Lopez share their performance-enhancing secrets to help you go for your personal gold
Even if you're not a medalist like Janet Evans, here's how to make the most of your water workouts
If you're still doing crunches and straight sets, it's time to overhaul your workout regime
Researchers have studied weight loss for decades, helping to find the most effective ways to shed pounds. We delve into the science to provide you with our top tips for weight loss
As the heat increases, these at-home yoga poses will help you restore yourself to comfort
In case you need convincing, here are 10 sobering reasons to lose weight
As addictive as it can be, running can wreak havoc on your body. Here are three simple ways to counter the impact
Forget Hatha, Bikram or Ashtanga. I've found my own way of doing yoga in my home
I use one or more of following deeply relaxing yoga poses. Try them out for at least 10 minutes before sleep and see if they help you drift to neverland more peacefully
New research proves that you can ease serious health problems -- even prevent them entirely -- with certain types of exercise
The benefits of the art of meditation are amazing. Here's how to make it easier to meditate
Learn how to minimize wear and tear on your joints to keep up your favorite activities for years to come
Research shows that yoga helps ease stress and may even fend off sniffles. Here, a 15-minute daily routine that will get results
Doga is a new way to partner with your pet to experience the physical (and humans say spiritual too) benefits of yoga. All people and dogs can practice doga -- fit or fat, large or small, young or old
With the flurry of holiday parties and shopping, it can be easy to slack off on exercise this time of year. Instead, make your workouts more efficient with interval training
Here's our best tips on how to stay healthy and happy during those long months of sleet and snow
As you probably know, trying to shoehorn exercise into an already packed schedule only ends in I'll-do-it-tomorrow pledges and missed workouts. Check out these strategies for how to fit in exercise and feel motivated to keep up a routine
If you've ever struggled with your weight, you know how difficult the fight is. You cut back on calories and drop 10 pounds, only to see your weight creep back up to where it was before. You could swear that your body has some magical number in mind for your weight despite your best efforts to keep it off. Now scientists believe your suspicions might actually be accurate
Just because a new sneaker is trendy doesn't mean it's healthy. In fact, wearing the wrong shoe can lead to aches, pains and even more problematic injuries (shin splints, stress fractures) that last long after your workout. I suggest choosing the right shoes based on your foot type and the type of activity you plan to do. Here's some important tips to keep in mind
So how do you find out if you're fatter than you think you are and need to lose weight? A good place to start is your BMI (body mass index)
Three different women; three similar journeys through menopause. Is the menopausal weight issue an inevitable annoyance, or can it be avoided? Here's a look at the science on the complicated issue of weight gain during menopause
Spring is the perfect time to step up foot-powered transportation. Whether it's in the park or around the neighborhood, walking is a great way to get some exercise, reduce your carbon footprint and bond with your kids. But there's more than one way to walk!
Juice fasts go up and down in popularity, depending on how many celebrities are on them. But they are always an unhealthy way to lose weight -- and often an unpleasant one as well. Here's why
You want to get rid of the flab. You also want to put on muscle. But you know that you can't optimally (or even remotely) do both at the same time. So what plan should you embark on first? The answer depends entirely on the following
Do you ever wish your best friend was a doctor who would answer any question about dieting and exercise, from losing 5 pounds to whether pricey antioxidants are really necessary? We chatted with successful heart surgeon and TV expert Dr. Mehmet Oz, and that is exactly what we discussed
The post-workout meal is an important source of nourishment and replenishment for an athlete's body. And being in college doesn't have to mean missing out on this essential feast after you head back from the gym. Take a look at these nutritious recipes, all of which easily can be made
Fitness is always in, but the hunt for a magic way to achieve a healthy heart or a taut butt or abs with the most gain and the least pain never ends. Here's a look at what's on top in fitness trends -- and a few former hot picks that are cooling off
If getting more exercise was on your New Year's Resolution list again this year, ensure your success by including your canine companion. Your dog is not only a great motivator, but exercise provides mental and physical benefits for both of you
It's a tough choice: When you're sick, can you still do your usual workout -- your power walk, gym class or exercise video? The answer depends on your symptoms
If you want to excel as an athlete -- and sculpt your body -- you've got to develop your fast-twitch muscle fibers. We asked NBA trainer Rob McClanaghan how to do it
Turns out numerous studies have shown that breakfast isn't just good for your brain; it can help you lose weight too. Researchers surmise that's because eating breakfast helps keep you full longer, reduces cravings and curbs overeating. But what kind of breakfast is best for weight loss?
One of the keys to looking -- and feeling -- confident is standing up straight. These four simple, do-anywhere moves can keep your spine in top form. Bonus: You'll also feel lighter and more flexible
Tired of working out alone? Looking to freshen up your exercise routine? Consider a walking club. Walking clubs are an ideal way to stay fit and social at the same time. Plus, being a team member means you stick with an exercise routine because you're accountable to others
If you can't afford a personal trainer -- or don't want one -- there are a number of exercise and nutrition resources available on the Internet. For some, the convenience and social support of surfing for fitness guidance online can make it just as effective as working with a trainer in person. Here's a guide for how to use (and not to use) today's top online fitness tools
Now is the best time to amp up your fitness routine. This yoga-cardio combo is a serious calorie scorcher and body strengthener. Plus, studies show that regular exercise helps release endorphins, the feel-good hormones
If your workouts consist of doing light weights and steady-state cardio, you might be in for some bad news: These things alone won't likely get you the results you're after, say experts. To increase your fitness level, burn fat, and improve muscle tone, you've got to step up your game. Here are four things women tend to skip that can deliver serious results
Champions share a hard-to-define quality. It's a combination of competitive drive, focus and desire that makes them winners -- in sports, in the classroom and in life. You want to be that guy, but perhaps you think you can't be. Maybe you believe that the winners of the world are born, not made. If so, think again. Here's how to develop the competitive drive and mental toughness of a champion
- The Stubborn Belly-fat Solution
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- Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy
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- Get a Jump on Your Fitness with Plyometrics
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- Up Your Metabolic Rate with Weights
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- Which Fish is Best for Your Health
Yoga is popular for its body-toning and mind-calming benefits. But beyond these obvious pluses, it's also an ideal way to cure what ails you. Yoga can ease a number of common health woes
You don't need to spend hours at the gym at an "I'm-killing-myself" pace to stay in tip-top shape. Mini bursts of moderate activity may actually be a more effective way to lose weight or stay in tip-top shape
Couch potatoes and desk jockeys, take note: Sitting all day can steal years from your life -- even if you exercise. Here's what you can do about it
People embarking on a healthier lifestyle may be overwhelmed when struggling to find the time to eat healthy and exercise. As a personal trainer, I'm often asked which is 'more important' for getting in shape and losing weight: diet or fitness
Saving the earth is only one benefit of keeping my engine turned off: Biking and walking also keeps me fit. And encouraging my family members to join me keeps them fit too
You do it every day -- but how much do you really know about this basic bodily function? Learn more to keep yours under wraps
Here's our favorite motivating fitness apps and workout gear to get you moving
No time? No problem. Our trainer's 20-minute program torches calories while toning your entire body
Lacking exercise motivation? Our personal trainer's smart strategies will help you get on track
Treadmill or elliptical? Free weights or machines? We show you what workouts will give you the most bang for the buck when you're pressed for time
Traveling? No time? No problem! You can do our personal trainer's total-body shape-up routine anywhere
What's the best way to hydrate your body for optimal health and peak performance? Here's the best thirst-quenching drinks you have from a wide variety of choices
The best type of yoga for you might depend more on your personality than your body. Here's how to make the right choice
Crunched for time this holiday season? Our trainer shares the quick workout routine you can squeeze in no matter what
Do you experience lower back pain? Try these stretches for relief
If your workouts consist of doing light weights and steady-state cardio, you might be in for some bad news: These things alone won't likely get you the results you're after. To increase your fitness level, burn fat, and improve muscle tone, you've got to step up your game. Here are four things women tend to skip that can deliver serious results
If you think you're too busy to hit the gym, it's probably because your workout is needlessly long. Use these tips to streamline your next session so you won't waste any of your precious workout time, and you'll be in and out of the gym before you know it
Can't seem to lose those last few pounds, even with diet and exercise? Your metabolism could be to blame. By making some simple changes to your exercise routine, you can boost your metabolism and help your body burn more calories, even when you're resting. Here are top tips for revving up your routine, plus the best exercises to boost your metabolism
A small yet growing body of research suggests that a slower, more thoughtful way of eating could help with weight problems and steer some people away from processed food to more healthful choices. This alternative approach has been dubbed 'mindful eating'
In their book, 'Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements,' co-authors Tom Rath and Jim Harter examined the qualities and habits that contribute to high levels of wellbeing in the social, career, financial, physical, and community elements of life. When it comes to daily habits for physical wellbeing, morning exercise is hard to beat
Did you know that shaving off 100 calories per day -- that's skipping a small cookie or swapping 8 ounces of sweetened soda for water -- can amount to a 10 pound weight loss over a year? Little changes like these are at the heart of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) public health program, aptly named Small Steps
Try these simple strategies to get better results -- in less time
Whenever you're hunkered down over the computer, I encourage you to take a few of these breaks yourself and do the stretches
Panicked about bathing suit season? You won't be if you try these easy exercises to tone your rear, hips and thighs
Here are suggestions for keeping your back healthy and pain-free
Here's how you can work out every part of your body right at your desk
Some overweight and obese individuals are diligent about eating a healthful diet and exercising, and have healthy cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels. This scenario raises an important question: Is it possible to be healthy and be overweight?
Some insurers and companies are recognizing that preventative health incentives can potentially save lives -- and their bottom line
Americans are an impatient bunch. We prefer a quick fix over a slow solution to our problems. And when it comes to weight loss, it's no different. Rather than endure lifestyle changes that involve sacrifice and waiting for results, many of us would rather pop a weight-loss supplement pill or endure painful injections if it means quicker, faster, better
When your joints are happy, you don't even know they're there. But if they are inflamed with arthritis, the condition can be painful and debilitating. Although the first line of defense for arthritis is medication, research is unfolding about the effects of diet on joint health. The following diet and lifestyle changes may help soothe arthritis symptoms
Make way for the plant-based diet, the latest buzzword for an optimal diet that focuses on plants, such as grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, rather than a diet of animal products like meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy. Health experts extol the virtues of a plant-based diet as a healthy eating style
A single extra pound may not sound like a lot, but when you consider that the average adult American gains one extra pound per year, it becomes clear why middle-age spread is so insidious and common. Fortunately, middle-age spread is not inevitable and can, in fact, be prevented. Here's how
From calorie counters to exercise logs, our expert discusses the best online tools to help you shed pounds
Need to slip on a swimsuit or squeeze into shorts anytime soon? Hopefully you're already on a healthful eating and exercise plan. But if you're still looking for a little extra boost, forget about the latest and not-so-greatest fads. Try one of these unconventional weight loss tips that really work
Sports, and the physical fitness needed to participate in them, provide an extra layer of cardiovascular protection by strengthening the heart, improving the lungs, and making arteries more supple. Sometimes, though, something goes horribly wrong and an athlete suddenly dies while engaged in his or her sport
No longer getting results from your workout? Use these strategies to rev it up
Yes! Eggs are a nutrition bonanza, concludes a review of 25 studies on eggs and health
Has your usual workout routine become, well, routine? Our fresh, new workout routines will make you look forward to lacing up your sneakers again
Researchers are seeing real benefits in the growing popularity of social games, created to connect people with friends and strangers alike to improve health and fitness through contests, prizes, and friendly peer pressure
A surprising new study suggests you may live a shorter life if you sit too much. Are you at risk?
Weight-loss operations that change how the stomach and intestines digest food have been hailed as a potential lifesaver for people who are severely overweight. But these benefits, which accrue only with a lifelong commitment to healthy eating and exercise, must be balanced against possible risks
For the first few minutes, as I walk at a modest pace, my systolic blood pressure rises from 115 to 130 or so, while my heart rate hardly changes from its usual 60-something beats per minute. But when I start walking faster, my systolic pressure stays steady or sometimes goes down a bit, while my heart rate increases to 110. Is this a normal pattern?
It's not just athletes whose performance hinges on good nutrition. Even casual exercisers and fitness enthusiasts get a big payoff from smart meal planning. Your diet determines whether your workouts buff you up or wipe you out. Read on to learn how to make your meals and snacks work for your workout, and how to avoid some typical food-exercise blunders
You don't need to go to a fancy gym or hire a pricey personal trainer to get better results from your workout. My research and experience as a trainer has shown that you can burn more calories, build more muscle and have more energy just by making a few simple changes that won't cost you a penny. Follow this game plan
Welcome to the world of 'functional' foods -- food and food components that provide a health benefit beyond basic nutrition. These foods provide nutrients and bioactive compounds that exceed what's necessary for mere survival by imparting particular health benefits or physiological effects
The mere mention of starting a family-wide fitness routine may send everyone running for cover. But incorporating more physical activity into your family life doesn't have to be a painful and serious undertaking. Here are three family-friendly fitness moves to get fit and have fun -- together
It's not because of the calories you burn. It's because regular yoga practice encourages mindful eating, a nonjudgmental awareness of the physiological sensations and psychological motivations that are associated with eating. In other words, practicing yoga can help you eat only when you're hungry and stop when you're full
When the women ate slowly, they consumed an average of 67 fewer calories, but felt fuller afterward. How is this possible?
Need a little help getting motivated to exercise? Here are three new tools that will help keep your workout fun and fresh all winter long and beyond
Everyone longs for one of those I-can-eat-anything-and-not-gain-an-ounce metabolisms. Unfortunately, those are rare. But there are ways to increase your body's ability to burn calories, so I advise all my clients to add the following metabolism boosters to their routine. Try one or more to help you maximize your own weight loss efforts
Most people who diet regain what they've lost -- fueling a belief that it's nearly impossible to lose weight permanently. But this simply isn't true! To prove it, two researchers decided to investigate the fraction of folks who lose weight and keep it off successfully. So if the following beliefs have been weighing you down, take heart. You can overcome them, because they're simply not true
About half of Americans make new year's resolutions, but research shows that 80 percent of those resolutions go down the drain by Valentine's Day. Being a successful exception starts with how you word the resolution. Use these examples to get yours just right
I find that the middle of January is the hardest to get through when it comes to resolutions. It's easy to drop the ball because your initial enthusiasm for making the change starts to fade, and you might not yet have seen positive results to motivate you. So how can you help yourself stick with it? Use my tried-and-true tips for making your life-changing resolutions a lasting reality
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Counting Every Step You Take
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Fitness, Exercise and Weight Loss
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