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- iHaveNet.com: eBusiness
eBay has revealed a new look inspired by the increasing use of mobile devices for retail purchases and has introduced a same day delivery service
According to market research firm eMarketer, search giant Google will have a 15.4 percent market share of total online ad revenue in the United States by the end of the year
The suit may have permanently changed the e-book market, and perhaps marred a trusted brand
It's a good time to master the basics of mobile money
Apple’s new iCloud offers cloud-minded IT pros some clout. But there are factors to consider about cloud storage, says our cloud-storage expert
When it comes to the mobile cloud, small businesses lead the way
Thanks to the success of Apple's iPad, tablets are taking the market by storm. Tech expert Marc Saltzman guides you through the new offerings
Mobile apps have changed shopping forever -- and for the better. With just a few apps on your smart phone, you can save money and time, and get goods in your hands faster. On that note, here are five must-have apps that will make shopping more fun and efficient
Right now, we're working on a pilot program to accept mobile payments. It would link to a customer's personal credit card information and store it on his or her phone so the customer could use the phone to pay with a credit card at the point of sale. Here's how mobile pay works
Ready to revamp (or launch) your Twitter business strategy? Veteran tweeter Alexis Wolfer shares her tips
The explosive growth of the Internet and resulting popularity of blogginghave transformed how marketers market. New guidelines from the Federal Trade Commission are expected to cover social media as well as paid media (advertising) and should provide clear direction to help prevent misleading endorsements, ensure effective disclosure, and dissuade financial incentives to write only favorable comments.
When bloggers are being paid to say a product is good, readers should know the deal. A core principle of U.S. communications and fair advertising law is that people have a right to know when they are being advertised to. There's no reason this rule shouldn't apply to the Internet.
A little Internet fame never hurt anyone. Here's how to tweet to get results, whether it's more visibility for your work, site or message
If your organization wasn't ready to deploy the iPad before, now might be the time. Here's what to consider.
Apple products no longer get a pass when it comes to security. Here's how to ensure iPhone and iPad security in your company
Our browsing is increasingly being tracked by a host of invisible data catchers that report your online clicks to marketing firms that, in turn, sell an astonishingly complete profile of your cyber behavior. The buyers are usually companies that target Internet advertising to your particular interests. Once you enter cyberspace, your private information becomes a commodity out of your control
The Federal Trade Commission and others have lauded an upcoming feature in the newest version of Internet Explorer as a simple implementation of Do Not Track. But upon further inspection, this looks less like a viable Do Not Track mechanism and more like a censorship tool
The Interactive Advertising Bureau's Michael Zaneis argued that 'Do Not Track' rules would harm e-commerce; Federal Trade Commission Chairman Jon Leibowitz said they would help consumers. Here's your thoughts ...
Use Facebook right, and you'll boost your business image -- and your profits. Here's how
'Mobile payment' is finally hitting primetime, and Google Wallet is the first 'digital wallet' entry.
Managing a company's social reputation requires media-savvy strategies -- especially in a crisis, says global digital strategist Dallas Lawrence
Do you know where your data is? For your company's safety, it's critical to know how employees are using the cloud
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