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- iHaveNet.com: Healthcare
The Department of Health and Human Services released analysis estimating that 50 to 129 million non-elderly Americans have preexisting conditions. The HHS analysis emphasizes the fact that, under the new healthcare reformlaw, Americans with preexisting conditions cannot be penalized in the form of coverage denial or higher premiums
Republicans won another victory over the healthcare reform law, as a federal judge in Florida declared that a federal requirement to buy health insurance is unconstitutional. He sided with the 26 states that challenged the law, knocking it down in its entirety. With appeals expected, the question over the law's constitutionality will ultimately rest with the Supreme Court. Until then, there's a number of ways the opponents of the law can keep up their fight
A funny thing happened on the way to repeal of President Obama's health care reform plan in the House: the vast majority of Americans decided they liked the new plan after all, and didn't want to see it repealed.
With the Capitol building at their backs conservative GOP House members braced against the icy Washington weather and held an outdoor press conference, urging the repeal of the president's healthcare reform law. But the political theater wasn't for naught, as lawmakers on both sides used the vote to motivate their base and to reset their arguments for a debate over healthcare reform
Forget the symbolic vote to repeal health care. Republicans don't have the votes to override Obama's sure veto. The real move happens later, when Republicans try to cut the money needed to implement the law's requirement that all Americans buy health insurance
Expect to see changes in your health insurance plan for 2011 during your employer's open-enrollment season this fall. Employers will be making some changes to their health-insurance plans for 2011 because of health-care reform -- such as offering coverage to children up to age 26 -- and as a way to help control rising health-care costs
For years, medical facilities have asked patients to hand over their insurance copayments when they sign in. But recently the business office has gotten more demanding. Many institutions, facing a growing mountain of bad debt, are no longer willing to take it on faith that the bills will eventually be paid and are demanding up-front payments in elective or nonemergency situations
New health plans beginning on or after Sept. 23 will have to provide free preventive care. Grandfathered plans are exempt from the requirements, which were ordered in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' HealthCare.gov makes it easy to learn about all of your personal health-insurance options. The site, created in just the 100 days after the health-care-reform law was passed, launched on July 1.
How much is long-term care expected to cost in 20 to 30 years? I'm in my 50s now and am wondering what the price might be to receive care in a nursing home or my home in the future.
- Change On the Way for Retiree Health Benefit Programs
- What Health Care Reform Means for Medicare Drug Coverage
- How to Find Affordable Long-Term Care
- New Grads and Health-Care Reform
- Tax On Health Benefits
- Improving Health and Health Care in Rural America
- Republicans Need a Plan B for Health Care
- Obamacare: The Eye of the Storm
- Health Care Bill - Aroused Vox Populi
- How the Health Care Bill Impacts Retirees
- Healthcare Passage Helps Democrats in November
- The Reality of ObamaCare
- Answering the Call to History
- Health Care Post-Mortem
- Obama's Healthcare Focus Is Misguided
- Dennis Kucinich: A Relevant Outsider
- Medigap Plans Cooking Up New Alphabet Soup
- Democrats Threaten Reconciliation After Healthcare Summit
- Lost Your Health Insurance? Some Resources
- Obama vs. the Insurance Companies
- Rehashing Healthcare Talks
- Bipartisan Healthcare Summit: You've Got to Give a Little
- Singing 'Kumbaya' on Health Care Reform
- Planned Bipartisan Summit Just an Infomercial in Disguise
- Why Americans Oppose Government Run Healthcare
- Democrats Struggle to Move Forward on Healthcare
- Bringing Hospital Care Home
- Scott Brown Victory Not a Referendum on Healthcare
- Covering the Cost of Long-Term Care
- Healthcare Reform - It's Not Your Parents' Medicare
- Democrats Hiding Healthcare Details
- Pelosi Fights for More Low Income Subsidies in Healthcare
- Fasten Your Seatbelts: Bumpy Ride Ahead
- The Caring Economy and Healthcare as Human Right
- Senate Passes Healthcare Reform But Negotiations With House Will Be Tough
- Senate Health Care Bill: Leave No Special Interest Behind
- Kathleen Kennedy Townsend vs. Catholic Church on Health Reform
- Resolved: Tell the Truth
- Why Medicare Part D Is the Answer to Health Reform
- Senate Healthcare Bill a Mixed Bag for Consumers
- Makeover for Health Care
- Senior citizens are more opposed to Obama's healthcare plans than any other age group
- Obama's Never Ending Healthcare Campaign
- To Cut Health Care Costs, Let's Start With the Secret Prices
- Time for Some Hard Choices on Health Reform: Revenue-neutral is not enough
- Health Reform Could Get You Hired
- The Baucus Healthcare Plan: What Small-Business Owners Need to Know
- Individual Mandate Would Be a Healthcare Industry Boondoggle
- An Individual Mandate for Health Insurance Would Benefit All
- Healthy Living is the Key to Healthcare Savings
- No Such Thing as an Unpaid Bill
- Lacking Facts and Reason, Health-Care Foes Use Fear
- Why Health Care Reform Will Be Good for Medicare
- Behind the Rage at Healthcare Town Hall Meetings
- Healthcare Is a Precious Commodity That Must Be Used Wisely
Healthcare Is In The Eye Of The Beholder,
And Should Be In The Hands Of The Patient - Healthcare Reform a Tough Sell in Town Halls Where Recession Has Hit Hardest
- Why Obama's Failing Big on Healthcare Reform
- Health Reform Fattens Big Insurance and Taxes the Young
- Obama Not Overexposed, but Flaws in His Healthcare Reform Have Been
- Will Health Reform Free Workers From 'Job-Lock'?
- What Democrats Should Say on Healthcare
- Health Reform Demands That Lawmakers Read the Bills
- Senate Considers Alternative to Public Healthcare Option
- Congress, Obama, Must Do Healthcare Reform Right
- AMA: Healthcare Reform Bill a 'Starting Point'
- Science Takes Doctors Only So Far
Public Healthcare Option Won't Work
Government-Run Healthcare Plans Flawed - Public Option Would Ensure Healthcare for All Americans
- Obama Rush to Overhaul Healthcare Shows Dangerous Deficit of Understanding
- Hard Choices on Healthcare Reform
- Not Enough Healthcare to Go Around
The new health care reform bill will be under attack in 2011 in the courts and in Congress. If you're over age 50 but too young for Medicare, you'd do well follow the battles closely. No age group stands to lose more than Americans age 50-64 if the conservative efforts to strangle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in its crib succeed
Americans are confused about how our health care system compares with those of other wealthy democracies. A great many Americans seem to think we have a top-notch system and that poor sods in other places like Britain, Japan and Australia would just as soon trade places with us if only they could. This mass delusion is a big reason why the health care reform law is not more popular
During the midterm election campaign, Republicans of all stripes united under one promise: to repeal healthcare reform. It was a key plank in the 'Pledge to America,' the campaign platform unveiled by House Minority Leader John Boehner , and it became a rallying cry for Tea Party-backed candidates throughout the country
Seniors who were angry about health care reform and Medicare turned out in big numbers for Republicans in the 2010 mid-term elections. But now, the conservative shift seniors helped produce in Washington could set the stage for something that really is worthy of their wrath: the end of Medicare as we know it
What will happen next on healthcare? Right now, the Establishment seems clueless, and yet fortunately, insurgent Establishmentarians, led by Maria Shriver and Sandra Day O'Connor, are breaking with elite orthodoxy, offering a better healthcare solution
One of the provisions of the health-care-reform law to take effect is the $5-billion program to provide coverage for people with medical conditions who've been rejected by private insurers. The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, a new high-risk pool, was launched in most states on July 1 and is designed to last until insurers can no longer reject people because of their health, in 2014
On March 23, President Obama signed into law a sweeping reform of the nation's healthcare system. When will the changes that most affect consumers kick in?
The new health care bill is more than 2,000 pages long -- with hundreds more to come from regulators filling in the details. It will literally take years before all the details are set and everyone can see how the plan will affect their particular situation. But here are 10 commonly asked questions that can be answered now
Will health-care reform affect Medicare beneficiaries who convert their traditional IRAs to a Roth?
Two new medigap plans, M and N, will be introduced, and insurers will no longer sell plans E, H, I and J. If you currently have a policy, even if it's Plan E, H, I or J, you can keep it and your coverage won't change. But no matter what plan you have, it may be worthwhile to consider the new plans
- Keeping Adult Children on Your Insurance Policy
- Health Care Reform Overhaul: What Happens When
- Older Americans Comment on Health Care Reform
- How Health Reform Will Affect Older Americans
- What Is and Isn't in Healthcare Bill
- Obama Must Now Sell Healthcare to Skeptical Public
- After Months of Debate, No Bipartisanship on Healthcare
- Reactions to Historic Healthcare Reform
- DeMint Launches Healthcare Repeal Effort
- Healthcare Reform Only Partial Victory for Women
- Obama's Showdown Strategy
- Obama Makes Last Push for Healthcare Reform
- Lessons from Obama Health Care Summit
- Curbing Healthcare Costs
- Health-Care Humdrum
- Elitists Aren't All Bad
- Republicans Give Green Light For Reconciliation
- The High Cost of Growing Older
- How Republicans Should Handle Obama's Health Reform Summit
- Experts speculate about Obama's bipartisan healthcare meeting
- Understanding Health Reform's Real Impact on Medicare
- Government-Run Healthcare Debate
- Harry Reid Wrong on History and Wrong on Health Reform
- Democrats Cave on Health Care Reform
- Health Reform Amendment Upholds Current Abortion Funding Law
- Health Reform Is No Place for an Abortion Fight
- There's No Place Like Home: Elderly Qualify for Wide Range of Services
- The 'Reform' That Ate America
- Congress Needs to Improve Quality of Healthcare
- Your Future Health Plan: When health reform dust settles few Americans will be unaffected
- Medicare Advantage Trims Could Affect Millions of Seniors
- Congress Fights Obesity With Healthcare Bills
- Why Americans Should Not Fear Scientific Progress
- Is a 'Cash Only' or 'Direct Pay' Doctor Right for You
- Even if health care insurance worries end soon work as engaged informed patients just beginning
- Healthcare Reform and Patient Choice
- Navigating the Annual Medicare Sign-up Maze
- Immigration Debate Can Wait. Healthcare for All Cannot
- Taxpayers Should Not Have to Pay for Illegal Immigrants' Healthcare
- Daily Calls to Insurer Are Bad for My Health
- What is the Actual Number of Americans Without Health Insurance
- Healthcare Giving Students Opportunity to Pay their Way through College
- The Next Steps for Kennedy's Cause: Healthcare Reform
- Democrats' Fear Is Showing on Health Care
- The Tea Baggers Are Back -- Crazy as Ever
- It's Not Polite, But It's Democracy
- Scaring Seniors to Death
- Rationed Health Care Is Already Here
- Obama's Health Care Gamble
- The Villains of Health Care
- Harem Scarem and Health Care Reform
- The Folly of Obamacare
- What This Country Needs is a Huge Outburst of Common Sense
- Sebelius: Don't Sweat the Details
- Finding Health Coverage Before Medicare: A Primer
- President Obama's Healthcare Reform Sales Pitch
- Medicare-Style Public Healthcare Option Would Kill Private Insurance
- Cash-Only or Direct-Pay Medical Practices
- Flawed Healthcare Reform Is Better Than None at All
- The Worst Health Care Reforms: What Can We Learn
- Healthcare Reform's Effect on You
- Lack of Competition in Healthcare Insurance Market
- Day of Reckoning at Hand for Health Insurers
- America's Hospitals Can't Afford Healthcare Cuts
- Uwe Reinhardt: Plain Talk on Healthcare Reform
- Employers to Make Deeper Cuts in 2010 Health Coverage
- Healthcare Reform Estimates Have Democrats on Defensive
- More Competition in Health Care
- Ailments in Our Health Care Debate
- When Healthcare Reform Hits Grandma
- Government-run Healthcare Insurance Program Sure to Backfire
- Obama's Uphill Battle to Reform Healthcare
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