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- iHaveNet.com
by Brad Bannon
It's a Story With a Hero and Villains: Democrats can fight GOP scare tactics on reform with a horror story of their own
How can Democrats revive flagging public support for healthcare reform?
Well, now that
And they appear to have already started: In the last few days, the House Democratic leaders called for a new message strategy to build public support for healthcare reform.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California has heated up the rhetoric by describing the insurance industry as the "villains" in the piece.
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland told reporters that the Democrats would develop a "more focused" message.
Both leaders are absolutely right.
Democrats need to change the tone and content of their message in order to get the fundamental changes in healthcare that Americans need.
There are two ways to frame the battle over healthcare reform, the right way and the wrong way.
Conservatives would like to make the fight a question of whether government control of healthcare is a good or bad thing. And unfortunately, they have succeeded in making much of the debate over healthcare about the question of government control.
In a recent
The question that Democrats should force the Republicans to answer instead is whether or not we need to completely change healthcare to keep America and Americans from going bankrupt.
What Democrats should say is that the healthcare system is so fundamentally flawed that we should tear it down and build a better system from scratch.
The Times and
Half the public desires fundamental changes and another third want to completely rebuild the system. Democrats should make this debate about whether the system requires major change or whether we should continue business as usual. That's a debate that liberals will win.
Now of course the only way to fundamentally change the system and reduce healthcare premiums is a public or patients' option that will end the monopoly that a small groups of insurers have in each state or area. If the private insurers have to compete with a patients' option, the cost of premiums will decrease. But the public option should not be the lead in the story.
Americans want change and that's why Barack Obama is president.
The president understands this and he used the word "change" more than 20 times in his most recent press conference. But the
serenity that served Barack Obama so well during the presidential campaign isn't powerful enough to stifle the
fear about healthcare reform that conservatives have generated by spending
Democrats need to get mad and tell a horror story.
Every story needs a hero, a villain, and a threat to the beleaguered villagers.
The narrative (beltway speak for story) should be about the hero (the brave, young president) who fights the villains (the greedy and immoral health insurance companies) who plunder and pillage the villagers (the hard-pressed American people).
Hopefully, this scary story will have a happy ending.
Brad Bannon is the president of