Curbing Healthcare Costs
Reader Comments
It really astounds me that people actually think adding more bureaucracy and government waste is going to bring down healthcare costs.
The elderly are the biggest users of the healthcare system, and all are covered by a government-run healthcare system. If the government is the answer then why is
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I can't believe anyone would suggest that our medical costs are not "out of line."
The charges for drugs and even many medical services are criminally high and excessive (far beyond the cost of production). The pharmaceutical industry has a stranglehold on the way medical professionals are schooled and trained and the whole system is geared, not for healing and health, but greed. Like the legal profession, the medical profession deserves the utter disdain of the American public. Sure, I have "friends" in both professions whom I know to have integrity; but it is they who inform me of their shame. Wake up, America. You have been duped and sold out.
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I work for the federal department of
These centers are in every state in the country, they see the undocumented,
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One easy "no cost" way to start the competition is by requiring pharmacies, doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare centers to post their prices. There is nothing else Americans buy without knowing the cost first.
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Nothing would cut the administrative costs like a single payer system.
I am happy to pay my doctor for his expertise and the drug companies for the drug that cures my problem because I am getting something for my money. What benefit do I get from an insurance company in the middle skimming off the top? No benefit at all. They ask us to gamble on this policy or that one only to find we are not covered for a particular sickness which was excluded or that we got hurt 30 years ago and that makes it a pre-existing condition. I am begging you...get your government hands ON my healthcare, please.
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Curbing Healthcare Costs | Reader Comments
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