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Reader Comments
My husband and I are baby boomers. While we recognize the need for some kind of healthcare for those who have none, what is being proposed to pay for it, along with the very real possibility that we may not be in charge of decisions regarding our healthcare, frightens us.
We have healthcare provided to state retirees (Michigan) and pay a portion of the premium. We do not understand
why the government is proposing an entirely new healthcare system when there are already two government sponsored programs in place
(with administrators, field personnel to process, and eligibility criteria) --
Why can't this new program be tied into the
Those who do not qualify for the traditional/existing
We live in a border community with a sister city in Ontario, Canada. Their citizens come across the river to obtain healthcare because it can take months or even years to obtain a hip replacement or even cancer treatment. We do not want a system where we travel to a Third World country to have a hip or knee replaced -- or heart surgery.
Patricia M. Shimmens, Sault Ste. Marie, MI
As the chief medical officer at
Larry Luter, M.D., Lutz, FL
There are no easy solutions to our healthcare problem. I would hope that we will preserve the system as it is for those who have good care and just concentrate on those who don't. Subsidizing the insurance costs of those who cannot afford to buy health insurance is undoubtedly something that will have to be done. That said, it would require significant co-pay so the system will not be overrun by those who go to the doctor for trivial illnesses. If a co-pay is not required, the system will self-implode from overuse. There are not enough doctors, hospitals, etc., to handle the demand if unrestricted access to healthcare is allowed. If the trivial use of the system is not controlled, rationing will inevitably result.
Jim Gaumer, Chico, CA
The onus on
Jeff Kreisberg, Ph.D., Coppell, TX
Our country has been dragging its feet in caring for its citizens. This is a disgrace. Every other industrialized nation has single payer health coverage for its citizens. It is past time that Americans "grow up" (and this applies especially to the stubborn
Bev Switzenberg Waters, Sacramento, CA
If President Obama wants to change the way the country gets its healthcare considering cost, effectiveness, and fairness, then he and all members of
Harold Monroe, Stockton, CA
The United States does have the best healthcare available in the world, but only for the people who can afford it.
That does not translate to having the best healthcare system in the world. Understanding this difference is key. One can say that a Ferrari
or Porsche is the best car in the world, but it doesn't help anyone who is not driving one of these unaffordable cars. Let us all understand
that the "best" stuff is not available to everyone, and that is exactly the point of this reform.
Comment by Mike C. of TX
Social Security and Medicare are government programs that are broken.
Politicians have been dipping into these accounts since their inception. But what they have shown us is that they cannot manage our money.
In case they haven't noticed we are in a recession and people have lost jobs and are having a hard time finding new ones because there is no incentive for business to grow or expand.
It's quite the opposite with all that is going on between national healthcare and cap-and-trade. The incentives are being offered overseas, not in this country. No one is in business not to make money and they will uproot and take off before the government soaks every last penny from them.
This is about government control and the only ones that will be the losers are American citizens.
Comment by Sue of IL
The particulars of healthcare reform are irrelevant. What matters is the cost of $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion over 10 years.
The country is in a deep recession and there is not a trillion dollars available for new spending. It makes about as much sense as an
individual that is out of work thinking it is a great time to buy a new home. Increasing taxes to pay for this extraordinary spending will
have nothing but negative economic consequences and must be avoided.
Comment by Bill Weronko of IL
I am wealthy and with the best health insurance money can buy. I will probably pay additional taxes to subsidize universal health insurance with a public option.
Why do I want universal health insurance?
Because there is nothing special about me that justifies me having good reliable health coverage while others don't. Because every man, woman, and child should know that they are not alone if they have to battle serious illness. Because it is the right thing to do.
Why do I want the public insurance option?
Because with it the number of people involved in government health insurance programs will allow the government to bargain for less
expensive quality health services. That will bring the cost of healthcare down.
Comment by Janet of VA
The American Medical Association has long desired to maintain rationed healthcare in order to keep supply shorter than demand.
While physicians deserve to be rewarded for work, let's not pretend that the current system is a "free market" system.
Insurers, providers, and practitioners collude to keep prices high, deny coverage to tens of millions of Americans, and force citizens literally into bankruptcy at the first illness.
The current blood money system must be destroyed.
A new system that provides basic and emergency needs must be made available to all citizens. Healthcare is rightfully a national
responsibility. The only people who wish to ration it are those whose pockets are lined by this artificial shortage.
Comment by Tony R. of NC
It is always those who have health insurance (at least today) who oppose others having access.
It is interesting to see the importance of an "insider" for so many Americans. To be an insider there must be those who are outsiders.
Kind of like immigration. Those who are Europe's descendants and hell bent on keeping others out -- even those who were born on this
continent both the north end and the south end. Maybe more of Congress needs to be replaced for not having the backbone to do what is in
the country's best interest.
Comment by Christine of MD
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