Kale and Quinoa Bite Tacos Recipe

Making dietary compromises can be as simple as using high-quality ingredients to complement or complete meals like Kale and Quinoa Bite Tacos.

Whether it’s a simple date night at home or a weeknight meal for the entire family, finding inter-culinary balance between everyone at the table can sometimes be difficult.

However, when at least one party is willing to make dietary changes to benefit a loved one, serving up quality meals can become less of a hassle. Though men are often stereotyped as carnivorous cavemen, the majority are willing to change their eating habits – trading in those porterhouses for veggie burgers – to make their partners happy, according to a survey from Yves Veggie Cuisine. While 63 percent of men and 62 percent of women would eat less meat if their partner asked, 59 percent of men said they would also eat less of their favorite foods, at the request of their significant other.

In the same survey, dietary changes in the name of love were found at every level of the food pyramid, not just meat. Among the changes men have already made are eating less meat (22 percent), eating less dairy (18 percent) and eating less gluten (15 percent). However, it was found that women tend to hold their ground more when it comes to giving up certain foods with only 14 percent eating less dairy, 10 percent eating less meat and 6 percent eating less gluten for the sake of their relationship.

Making dietary compromises can be as simple as using high-quality ingredients like Yves Veggie Cuisine Appetizer Bites to complement, complete or even reinvent family-favorite meals like tacos. The gluten-free, non-GMO bites are low in fat and contain no artificial preservatives, colors or flavors, making it easy to put a plant-positive twist on nearly any meal with one of the two varieties – Kale and Quinoa or Falafel.

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Kale and Quinoa Bite Tacos Recipe

    Prep Time: 5 minutes

    Cook time: 12 minutes

    Yield: 8 to 10 Servings

Kale and Quinoa Bite Tacos Ingredients

    1 package (8.2 ounces) Yves Veggie Cuisine Kale and Quinoa Bites

    1 package hard taco shells (8-10 shells)

    1 cup salsa

    1 cup guacamole

    1 red onion, sliced

    1 bunch cilantro

    lime wedges

ale and Quinoa Bite Tacos Recipe Instructions

    Heat oven to 350° F.

    On nonstick baking pan, arrange kale and quinoa bites.

    Bake 10 minutes, or until outside is slightly crispy. In taco shells, layer guacamole, salsa and kale and quinoa bites.

    Top with sliced red onion and cilantro. For additional zest, serve with lime wedge.

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Tacos, Vegetarian, Mexican

Find more balanced, veggie-forward recipes that can inspire shared moments together at yvesveggie.com.


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Kale and Quinoa Bite Tacos Recipe - Vegetarian Recipes

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