Vegan Pecan Al Pastor Tacos

Serve up this authentic vegan Vegan Pecan Al Pastor Tacos recipe using pecans in place of meat.

Mealtime traditions are common among many families, from taco Tuesdays to weekend favorites. You can add a special touch to one of the most popular traditions – taco night – with a plant-based twist.

With a nutty, smoky and truly meaty taste and texture, pecans offer a perfect plant-based protein to incorporate in favorite dishes like tacos. However, great taste is just the beginning – pecans pack a nutritious punch with a unique mix of health-promoting nutrients while shining in a wide range of flavor profiles.

Vegan Pecan Al Pastor Tacos

    Prep Time: 35 minutes

    Cook time: 10 minutes

    Yield: Servings: 4-6

Vegan Pecan Al Pastor Tacos Ingredients


    2 pounds chopped pecans

    1 cup onion

    8 cloves garlic, minced

    8 dried guajillo peppers

    2 tablespoons oil

    Salt, to taste

    Pepper, to taste

    7 ounces (1 can) chipotle peppers in adobo

Toppings and Garnishes:

    flour or corn tortillas (6 inches each)


    diced onion



Vegan Pecan Al Pastor Tacos Instructions

  • In bowl of boiling water, soak pecans, covered, at least 30 minutes, or overnight in room temperature water for softer texture.
  • Drain pecans. In food processor, pulse pecans to meat-like crumbles. Do not overprocess to pecan butter.
  • Finely chop onions, garlic and guajillo peppers.
  • In skillet over medium-high heat, heat oil and saute onions until transparent, 2-3 minutes. Add garlic and cook 1 minute. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, to taste, and stir to combine.
  • Add chipotle peppers in adobo and cook 1 minute. Add crumbled pecans and stir well to combine.
  • Remove from heat and serve on tortillas.
  • Serve with cilantro, onion, lime and pineapple.

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