Triple Berry Ice Pops Recipe Recipe
Triple Berry Ice Pops Recipe

By Live Right Live Well

Ice pops are a fun way to cool off from the heat and humidity of summer, but those calories from sugar can add up fast.

Keep calories under control -- and give yourself an antioxidant boost -- by making homemade fruit ice pops. The 100 percent apple and orange juices help the berries puree easier, and the almond extract adds a tad of natural sweetness. Add a little sugar or low-calorie sweetener if you prefer sweeter pops. Use any combination of in-season berries -- raspberries, strawberries, blackberries or even blueberries.

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Triple Berry Ice Pops Recipe

Makes 12 ice pops


6 ounces fresh raspberries

6 ounces fresh blackberries

1 pound fresh strawberries

2 tablespoons orange juice

4 tablespoons apple juice

1/8 teaspoon pure almond extract


1. Rinse all berries and drain. Remove stems and green leaves from strawberries.

2. Place all berries in a blender along with orange juice, apple juice and almond extract.

3. Puree until completely smooth.

4. Pour into 12 ice pop molds. (Use molds with 1/2-cup capacity each.)

5. Freeze thoroughly.

Nutrition information (per serving)

27 calories

0 g protein

6.5 g carbohydrates

0 g fat

0 mg cholesterol

1 mg sodium

102 mg potassium

13 mg calcium

0.3 mg iron

44 IU vitamin A

28 mg vitamin C

2 g fiber


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