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Wolfgang Puck
My Miso-Glazed Black Cod recipe offers a good example of how you can eat healthy while also enjoying delicious foods.
Let's start by looking at the main ingredient: fish. I'm so happy to see that, more and more, lovers of good food are making fish their first choice. Not only does it taste great but it can also be incredibly versatile, welcoming a wide variety of cooking methods and seasoning styles -- including the Asian treatment I use here. Meanwhile, fish is remarkably lean and relatively low in fat -- and the fats some contain, including black cod (actually, not a true codfish but a species also known as sablefish), contain generous amounts of heart-healthy Omega-3 oils.
In addition, the miso paste that helps season the fish in this recipe is a soy-based food. Soy products have been found possibly to benefit cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of cancer, and also aid in digestive health. (Some people, however, are allergic to soy foods. If that's the case for you, leave the miso and soy sauce out of this recipe, and you'll still get good-tasting results.) You'll find sealed containers of miso paste, as well as the other ingredients called for in the recipe, in many well-stocked supermarkets and Asian foods stores.
Of course, how you cook your food can also determine how healthful it is. In this recipe, the fish fillets, having marinated in their Asian seasonings, are roasted in the oven, a method that requires adding no additional fat. The results are surprisingly lean and light, but wonderfully full of flavor. The recipe's generous garnish of julienned vegetables tossed in a bright-tasting vinaigrette adds texture, flavor, bright color, and still more nutritional value to each serving. (Save extra vinaigrette for another use.)
So, you see, just the simple decision to eat more fish prepared in ways like my Miso-Glazed Black Cod can help you fulfill your resolutions to "Eat Healthy Food" and "Lose Weight." As for "Get Fit," it's up to you to put on those workout clothes and get moving. And I bet you'll feel more like doing that after eating such a light yet satisfying meal.
Miso-Glazed Black Cod
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Yield: Serves 4
Miso-Glazed Black Cod Ingredients
4 fillets black cod, or other mild white-fleshed fish, each about 6 ounces
1-1/2 cups Miso Marinade (recipe follows)
6 tablespoons Asian Vinaigrette (recipe follows)
1 cup organic pea shoots or small sprigs watercress
3 scallions, cut into fine julienne strips about 1 inch long
1 medium organic carrot, trimmed, peeled, and cut into fine julienne strips
Miso-Glazed Black Cod Recipe Instructions
Put the black cod fillets in a nonreactive container large enough to hold them in a single layer.
Prepare the Miso Marinade and pour over the fish.
Turn the fillets to coat. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 12 hours.
About 1 hour before cooking, prepare the Asian Vinaigrette.
In a nonreactive mixing bowl, combine the pea shoots or watercress, scallions, and carrot. Add the 6 tablespoons of vinaigrette and toss thoroughly. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until serving.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
Cover a baking pan with aluminum foil and lightly spray with nonstick cooking spray. Remove the fish from the marinade and place on the baking pan. Bake in the preheated oven until cooked through but still very moist at the center when probed with the tip of a small, sharp knife, about 10 minutes, basting lightly with the excess marinade about 3 minutes and 6 minutes after putting in the oven.
To serve, place the fish fillets on individual heated serving plates. Mound the vegetable mixture in the Asian Vinaigrette on top of the fish. Serve immediately.
Miso Marinade
Makes about 1-1/2 cups
1/2 cup mirin
5 tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup red miso paste
4 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed
4 slices fresh ginger root, each about 1/4 inch thick, smashed
4 scallions, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces, smashed
In a mixing bowl, stir together the mirin, sugar, and soy sauce until the sugar has dissolved. Stir in the miso paste until thoroughly blended. Stir in the garlic, ginger and scallions.
Asian Vinaigrette
Makes about 3-3/4 cups
1-1/2 cups ginger-flavored vinegar, or vinegar drained from pickled Asian ginger
1 tablespoon freshly ground white pepper
1/2 tablespoon salt
1-1/2 cups peanut oil
3 tablespoons toasted Asian-style sesame oil
1-1/2 tablespoons chili oil
3 tablespoons toasted black and white sesame seeds
In a mixing bowl, stir together the ginger vinegar, pepper, and salt until the salt dissolves. Whisking continuously, slowly drizzle in the peanut oil, sesame oil and chili oil until fully incorporated. Stir in the sesame seeds. Store any unused dressing in a covered container for another use.
Miso-Glazed Black Cod Recipe, Seafood Recipe, Asian
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Miso-Glazed Black Cod Recipe - Wolfgang Puck Fish Recipes
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