By Girl World Daily

Scientists study some pretty cool stuff. Seriously -- they've even figured out what foods have the power to make you feel happier when you eat 'em. Read on to find out what packs the biggest mood-boosting punch -- along with yummy recipes to work more of them into your routine.


Whether homework overload or fights with your mom have been plucking your nerves, walnuts are your new BFF. When people snack on a few of these nuts each day, their bods actually get better at coping with stress.

The Fix:

Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top of your cereal in the a.m., or use them to add crunch to ice cream or fro-yo.

Bell Peppers

These veggies are packed with vitamin C, which is shown to give a serious pick-me-up. Make sure to stick with the red and yellow ones, though -- green peppers don't come with as much of the feel-good nutrient.

The Fix:

Cut peppers into strips and dip them in your favorite hummus or yogurt dip.


These fruity kisses just happen to be loaded with a little something called folate, which helps your bod produce more of the blues-beating hormone serotonin.

The Fix:

Treat yourself to a yummy smoothie by blending frozen strawberries with milk and a banana.


One whiff of this bad boy gets you feeling zen -- pronto. According to a recent study, the scent of toast makes people feel happy instantly!

The Fix:

Skip dessert tonight. Instead, have a slice of toast with a chocolate-hazelnut spread.


Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acid, a type of fat that's actually good for you. Why? It boosts brain power and fights off depression.

The Fix:

Make a salmon-salad wrap by mixing a can of drained salmon with some low-fat mayo and a bit of chopped celery, then roll it up in a flour tortilla.


OK, so H2O isn't technically a food -- but it can help perk up your day! Since dehydration causes fatigue and all-around crankiness, loading up on the clear liquid helps you avoid a case of the blahs.

The Fix:

Throw a few fresh mint leaves in a glass of ice water and add a couple of squirts of lime juice for something you'll love sipping all day long.


It's true -- Chocolate really can reduce stress! The catch: It's gotta be dark chocolate. Also, you probably want to stick to 1 ounce a day so you don't overload on sugar.

The Fix:

Melt down a Chocolate bar in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds until smooth. Then dip pretzels, marshmallows -- whatever! -- and let them sit on wax paper until hardened.


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