Marisa Belger

Green Glossary: Sustainable Manufacturing

Sustainably manufactured goods are products made in a manner that considers the well-being of the environment and its inhabitants. In turn, this helps keep us safe and healthy, today and in the future.

There are several ways a company can produce products sustainably, including:

Creating an Eco-friendly Design

Before a product hits the factory, it can be designed in a way that makes it easy to use, long-lasting and recyclable.

Using Alternative Energy

The use of alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar power, is an essential component of sustainable manufacturing. This energy is then used to power production, transportation and other steps in the manufacturing process.

Conserving Resources

Sustainable manufacturers work to ensure that they use the least possible amount of natural resources -- think water, fuel and raw materials -- when producing their goods.

Considering a Product's End-of-life

Eventually, all products wear out. Sustainable manufacturers consider what will happen to the product once it has reached the end of its useful life. They ensure that the product is designed and produced in a way that will allow for easy recycling or reusing.


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