YouTube Stars Kids Can Look Up To
YouTube Stars Kids Can Look Up To

by Bev Bachel

If you think YouTube is just for funny cat videos, think again. According to many parents, it’s become a great way for kids to learn everything from reading, knitting and chess to Spanish, math and magic.

Here are five of the brightest educational stars you’ll find on YouTube today:

Bob, the Train

Best for: Pre-schoolers

A colorful, fun-loving train, Bob is one of several animated stars on YouTube’s Kids TV channel. With rhymes and repetition, he helps kids learn letters, numbers, objects and more.


Best for: Young kids

At just 9-years-old, this pint-sized YouTube star packs a big punch as host of EvanTubeHD. Here your kids will find tips for how to play with toys ranging from Nerf Blasters to Lego Minecraft sets, from Bunchems to Zinnia Zebra. They (and you) will also find detailed product reviews, as well as plenty of other things kids find interesting, including animals, field trips, experiments and challenges.

The Brain Scoop with Emily Graslie

Best for: Tweens

Host of the YouTube show The Brain Scoop and chief curiosity correspondent for Chicago’s Field Museum, Emily shows off the museum’s amazing collection. She covers everything from birds to bears. Beware though — you’ll find a few gruesome videos in there, too, including a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to gut a wolf. But don’t worry; the videos come with a “grossometer”, so you can decide what’s right for your kids. (No surprise: the wolf video is one of Brain Scoop’s grossest.)

VSauce with Michael Stevens

Best for: Tweens

Who owns the moon? Would headlights work at light speed? What if everyone in the whole world jumped at once? These are just some of the questions Stevens answers on VSauce, the YouTube channel he created to help kids understand how amazing and awe-inspiring our world really is.

Good Mythical Morning with Rhett McLaughlin and Charles “Link” Neal

Best for: Older kids and tweens

Friends since first grade, McLaughlin and Neal are known for their wildly popular—and wildly funny—YouTube songs and skits. They host Good Mythical Morning, a daily morning talk show full of silly challenges, goofy inquiries and seemingly senseless pursuits. And while you may be tempted to dismiss the comedic duo, Common Sense Media notes that the show offers “nothing but pure, wholesome entertainment.”


Freelance writer Bev Bachel lives in Minneapolis and uses her phone to talk, text and email friends and family around the world. She’s the author of What Do You Really Want? How to Set a Goal and Go For It!

Article: Copyright ©.

Internet & Social Media: "YouTube Stars Kids Can Look Up To"