Best Goal-Setting Apps for Kids
Best Goal-Setting Apps for Kids

by Bev Bachel

Why do some kids seem to accomplish so much more than others?

It’s not because they’re smarter or more talented. In part, it’s because some kids are simply better at setting and reaching goals. If that’s a skill you’d like your kids to have — you’re in good company.

“Goal-setting is an essential skill for helping kids get where they want to go now and throughout life,” says Annie Fox, author of Teaching Kids to Be Good People: Progressive Parenting For the 21st Century. “Start by helping them set small, short-term goals. For example, ‘I’m going to finish this math in 30 minutes.’ Hold them accountable, and they'll learn to hold themselves accountable. Remember, you’re looking for progress…not perfection.”

But even if your kids (or you, for that matter) haven’t had much experience setting goals, there’s good news: goal-setting is a skill your kids can learn. And just like tying their shoes, dribbling a basketball or speaking a new language, the more they practice, the easier it gets.

Here are three apps that can help your kids set and reach their goals:

No. 1: Finish

Cost: Free on the App Store

Winner of an Apple Design Award, this designed-by-teens app calls itself “the to-do list for procrastinators.” Kids make a list of tasks and due dates, and the app automatically groups and prioritizes them.

What they’ll love

The app also archives completed tasks so kids can get the satisfaction of keeping track of (and feeling good about) what they’ve already accomplished.

No. 2: iWish Life Goals and Bucket List

Cost: Free on the App Store and Google Play

This app encourages kids to dream big and features 700+ amazing ideas for goals in several important categories, including career, travel, adventure and personal development. The app makes it easy to set deadlines and reminders.

What they’ll love

Kids can create dream-board collages and slideshows filled with colorful images that can help them tap into the power of visualization to see and reach their goals.

No. 3: Mint

Cost: Free on the App Store and Google Play

Mint enables kids to set up personal savings goals and offers custom tips along the way. You can also help your kids easily connect Mint to sync with their bank account to help them track their saving and spending via lists and graphs.

What they’ll love

They can name their own spending goals and the target amount, like “New Electric Scooter: $400” or “Weekend Trip to Lego Land: $1,500” and track their progress on a daily basis.


Freelance writer Bev Bachel lives in Minneapolis and uses her phone to talk, text and email friends and family around the world. She’s the author of What Do You Really Want? How to Set a Goal and Go For It!

Article: Copyright © iHaveNet

Software & Apps: "Best Goal-Setting Apps for Kids"