In this instructional golf video, Andy Gorman explains how to hit a sand shot from a green side bunker by following 3 fundamental rules



Andy Gorman, The Art of Simple Golf Contributor shows you How tour pros make it look so damn easy to get out of sand traps.

Imagine a T zone and the correct ball position. Distribute the weight correctly also. favor your front foot. Hover the clubhead about three inches behind the ball—where you want to enter the sand.

Play the ball farther forward in your stance and tilt the shaft away from the target—that will set up a higher, softer shot. Control the distance by making a shorter follow-through. Don't quit on it before impact..

Open the clubface slightly to take advantage of the bounce feature on the bottom of your sand wedge.

But as Andy points out, don't let the hands go too far forward!

Now on of the most crucial aspects is to then visualize that you're splashing the sand and the ball onto the green by focussing on how far the grains of sand fly. Don't let any bad thoughts creep in. Make a full swing, accelerate through the sand, and pose your finish.

Hitting a sand shot, often referred to as a bunker shot, can be challenging but with the right technique, you can effectively escape from the sand and improve your performance around the greens. Here's how to hit a golf sand shot


Club Selection

Use a sand wedge (SW) or lob wedge (LW) for bunker shots. These clubs are designed with a higher loft and a wider sole, making them ideal for getting the ball out of the sand.

Stance and Ball Position

Open your stance by aiming your body slightly left (for right-handed golfers) of the target.

Place the ball in the middle of your stance or slightly forward.

Dig Your Feet In

Before taking your stance, wiggle your feet into the sand to create a stable base. This will help you avoid slipping during the swing.

Open Clubface

Rotate the clubface open, aiming it to the right of your target. The open face will help you slide the club under the ball and create the necessary loft.


Steep Swing Path

Focus on taking a steep swing path into the sand. Imagine "splashing" the sand underneath the ball.

Enter the Sand Behind the Ball

Aim to strike the sand approximately 1-2 inches behind the ball. This will help you avoid thin shots and ensure the sand propels the ball out of the bunker.

Accelerate Through Impact

Accelerate through the sand with a confident, smooth swing. The clubhead should continue moving after it strikes the sand.

No Need to Follow Through

Unlike regular shots, there's no need for a full follow-through. The sand will slow down the clubhead naturally.


Practice Different Lies

Practice bunker shots from various types of sand lies, such as soft and fluffy sand or wet, packed sand.

Distance Control

Experiment with different swing lengths to control the distance the ball travels. A longer swing generates more distance.

Lip Shots

When faced with a bunker lip, use a steeper swing and more open clubface to help the ball clear the lip.

Mental Approach

Visualize the Shot

Before you swing, visualize the ball landing softly on the green and rolling toward the hole.

Stay Relaxed

Maintain a relaxed grip and a smooth, rhythmic swing. Tension can lead to inconsistent shots.

Bunker shots require practice to become comfortable and consistent. Spend time on the practice range working on your technique and experimenting with different lies and distances. With practice and the right approach, you can master the sand shot and gain confidence in your ability to escape bunkers effectively.


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"How to Hit a Golf Sand Shot"