Playing a par 3 over water is by far the most intimidating shot for even the best golfers.



If you struggle Playing over water, then I have the answer for you. If you’re facing a par-3 and frightened to hit a committed shot, then follow these three simple tips, which take enough club, relax your body, commit to a full finish.

If you choose the wrong club On the tee, it will instantly put you under pressure, and when your body is in a tense state, it won’t move very efficiently. By taking the correct club and relaxing your body, you’ll be able to play the shot with a consistent result.

When hitting a golf shot over water, here are some tips to help you navigate this challenging shot:

Be target-oriented

Focus on where you want the ball to land, such as the green or fairway, rather than fixating on the water hazard

Visualize the shot

Before stepping up to the ball, visualize the trajectory and landing spot of your shot. Imagine the ball flying over the water and landing safely on the other side

Club up and swing softer

Consider using a club with more loft to help get the ball higher in the air and increase your chances of clearing the water. Swing with a smoother and controlled tempo to ensure clean contact

Practice swing

Incorporate a practice swing into your pre-shot routine. This allows your brain to process the desired movement needed to clear the water

Keep your weight on your front side

Maintain a balanced stance with your weight slightly favoring your front foot. This helps promote a downward strike on the ball and prevents you from scooping or hitting it thin

Commit to the shot

Confidence and commitment are crucial when hitting over water. Trust your abilities and fully commit to the shot, avoiding any hesitation or doubt

Practice regularly

Hitting shots over water can be intimidating, but regular practice can help build confidence and improve your chances of success. Consider incorporating drills and exercises specifically designed to simulate water shots

Remember, hitting shots over water can be challenging for golfers of all skill levels. It's important to stay focused, maintain a positive mindset, and practice regularly to improve your chances of hitting a successful shot over water.


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"Sink the Perfect Shot Over Water: Techniques for Playing Par 3 with Precision"