Tasha Reiko Brown

The Perfect Face for Special Events

Circled days in your calendar are typically the special events you buy that new dress for and plan which shoes you’ll wear a week in advance.

You may not be on the red carpet, but you'll have enough pics taken of you to fill an entire Facebook album. You’ll need a fresh face that will last the whole night and won't ever look dated in photos.

A well-put-together look takes planning. Use those gossip magazines you pore over at the nail salon to get some ideas.

Narrow your looks down to one image as the big day draws near; you don't want to make the mistake of trying out looks at the last minute. If you apply and reapply makeup, your final application won't look nearly as fresh. 

Prep and prime your skin as usual.

 If possible, skip a separate heavy moisturizer; some of the ingredients, even under makeup, can give you “ghost face” when a flashbulb goes off. Don’t try new skin care products in the days before the big event, to avoid the possibility of irritation. Tweeze or wax a few days earlier to give any redness or puffiness time to subside. 

If you’re unsure whether to choose your summer or winter foundation, pick the one closest to the current shade of your skin. When in doubt, go a smidge darker; this too will help avoid the dreaded ghost face. And if there were ever a time to break out those false lashes, now is it. Enlist a friend or salon to help --drama demands lashes.

To keep your face flawless all night long, don’t be afraid to air-kiss and high-five in lieu of hugging. Your album will be all the better for it.