Dr. J. Michael Owen

The best way to prevent cavities is by watching your diet and brushing and flossing properly. But for some people, fluoride can be a great addition to your regular oral care routine.

In fact, if you have a cavity that's just beginning to form, fluoride can not only stop the decay, but also make that area stronger than it was before.

Still, a fluoride rinse isn't necessary for everyone. I tell my patients to look at their risk factors for cavities. A fluoride rinse can be beneficial if you:

- Drink well water that doesn't have added fluoride

- Take certain medications (your dentist should notify you if yours require you use a fluoride rinse)

- Have a condition that causes dry mouth (xerostomia)

- Wear braces

- Simply know your oral hygiene isn't the greatest

Patients with several risk factors may even consider a stronger prescription-strength fluoride to use at night.

If you do choose an over-the-counter fluoride rinse, use it after brushing and flossing. Swish the rinse in your mouth for at least 60 seconds, and then spit it out. Don't rinse your mouth with water or eat or drink anything for the rest of the night to allow the fluoride to have maximum contact time with your teeth.

In addition, it's important to understand that a fluoride rinse is not the same as a mouthwash. Make sure to check the label carefully before you buy!


Dr. J. Michael Owen is a spokesman for the Academy of General Dentistry with a private practice in Novi, Mich.

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Health - Could Fluoride Rinses Help Prevent Cavities