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James M. Danko
Institutions must shed old ways, leave comfort zone, to keep college education relevant, desirable
James M. Danko is president of
This is the season when many high school seniors are applying to and awaiting decisions from colleges and universities. It's an exciting time for those of us in higher education. We are reminded that learning is a lifelong pursuit. We are energized by the ideas and ambitions of our students.
While we are excited about the prospects of a new freshman class, the economic downturn of the last three years has exposed and amplified our society's skepticism about the value of higher education. Yes, people still want to go to college, but there are growing concerns about student debt and unemployment after graduation. Students worry about their return on investment. Institutional leaders worry about hiring and retaining effective faculty and administrators, and about the constant cost of maintaining physical and technological infrastructures.
Like the auto and newspaper industries, American higher education needs to innovate and reinvent itself if it's going to survive, thrive, and recapture its earlier glory. Industries that do not recognize the need for transition -- or that do not manage that transition with agility -- are likely to fail.
I would argue that we're already in the midst of a changing higher education model. My colleagues across the country and I are working to ensure that college is affordable and accessible. And we are looking carefully at our curricular and extracurricular programs to determine if the status quo truly meets the needs of our students.
The evolution of American higher education is predominantly taking place within this programmatic realm. Leaders of colleges and universities are working on strategic initiatives that engage and invest in our students. We are looking for new ways to nurture and encourage young minds so they can succeed throughout their lives in an increasingly competitive world.
In spite of this progress, the questions remain: Are we making changes that are meaningful enough, and are we making them quickly enough? Higher education improvement needs to be more of a widespread movement than an ad hoc effort. How do we join this crucial effort while staying true to our institutions' traditions and core values? Universities are typically change resistant, but change is imperative to ensure that a college education remains relevant and desirable. Let's shed old constraints and step outside our comfort zones.
Today's students are creative and inventive, and the colleges and universities they attend must be creative and inventive, too.
At Butler, this spirit of creativity will be manifested in the $5 million
Not all
Those of us in university administration must finally embrace, deep within ourselves and within the bones of our institutions, the fact that business as usual in American higher education is over. We have to try new things. Our students are justifiably demanding more accountability. We need to embrace blue-sky thinking and generate new ways to realize these ideas. By doing so, we can ensure that a college education yields the great return on investment that it should.
Our students should expect an education where they learn to take risks, develop an ability to adapt to change, and become the leaders we know they are. A college or university that can deliver this kind of education will endure and thrive.
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The Evolution of American Higher Education