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If a security breach occurring on a president's watch makes him "weak" on security, then where does that leave Bush and Cheney?

Obviously, the granddaddy of security breaches occurred on a Bush's watch -- 9/11 if anybody has forgotten -- and as I understand it that made Bush a national hero, rather than a pariah.

Let's face it, the Republicans absolutely have no shame and will say and do anything to make the Democrats look bad. They are not interested in the national welfare. It's as if running the country is of no more consequence than a game of football. All they care about is winning -- at any cost.

Comment by Susan of FL


I find it so crazy that in the first year of his presidency Mr. Obama can claim that [his administration] has changed the face of America on one hand, yet when it comes to protecting America and its people from harm, the response is that it was Bush and his administration's fault.

When will the Obama administration really start to own the issues?

It seems like every single time a negative issue comes about it is Bush's fault. But for every positive thing ... Obama has saved America again. It saddens me to see how childish and pitiful our current administration has gotten.

Mr. Obama, be a man and actually protect our country. Stop apologizing like you have done all over the world. Your actions from January to now have gotten us nothing. No respect, no love, no care. In fact the rest of the world looks at this time as a chance to take advantage of America.

After 9/11 we did not have a single attack on American soil. In one year of crying the blues and trying to make nice with the countries who are against us, Obama's policies have weakened America.

Comment by Russ Danes of VA


Rather than playing a positive and constructive role in fighting terrorism, the Republicans under the leadership of Dick Cheney are doing everything they can to undermine the security of America.

When similar or "worse incidents" happened under Bush-Cheney, we didn't see Democrats gang up against them but rather they stood together and supported every effort to preserve a united front against terrorism and to preserve the unity of our nation. Judging by the manner and ferocity of the attack against President Obama and the Democrats, they [Republicans] have shown Americans how low they are willing to stoop to make political gains.

It will make any decent, self-respecting individual wonder if they [Republicans] are on the side of the terrorists or on the side of a secure America. They seem to have lost all sense of moral and human decency and are proving to all decent Americans that their [Republicans'] strength lies in attacking, demonizing, obstructing, and "doing nothing."

They obviously have no positive solutions to offer and no constructive role to play.

Sen. Jim DeMint (R) himself still stands in the way of letting the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) have a chief. The nomination of a former FBI agent is being blocked by DeMint and the Republican National Committee.

Comment by Hope of DE


Dick Cheney had many years to walk his own talk; he failed, miserably. This week the U.S. Army released the official history of the war in Afghanistan, so far, and the official word is Cheney and [Donald] Rumsfeld failed to deliver the resources needed to succeed in that war, and they weren't even close.

So who is soft on terror?

President Obama just sent thousands more troops to fight al Qaeda. Soft?

Cheney really seems to think his rhetoric is meaningful; all he ever did was beat his chest and talk tough, nothing more. We are finally fighting these extremists with intelligence and deliberation. To those who support Cheney and attack our president on this, get out of your debate team circle and pay attention to reality.

Comment by Chris of NY









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