Vittorio Hernandez

At least the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

According to figures from the Treasury, U.S. tech giant Apple Inc. has more money than the United States government, the BBC reports

The U.S. currently has an operating balance of $73.8 billion, while Apple's most recent financial results list the iPhone, iPad, iPod, and iTunes manufacturer as sitting on more than $76 billion ready to spend.

Unlike the U.S. government, which is clambering to avoid defaulting on its debt, Apple Inc. simply takes in more money than it spends.

The U.S. Congress is working to find an acceptable proposal to increase the nation's debt ceiling, currently at $14.3 trillion, which would let it borrow more money to meet its spending plans.

In 2010, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said the company "doesn't let cash burn a hole in its pockets or make stupid acquisitions." He added, "We like to keep our powder dry because we think there are one or more strategic opportunities in the future."

A hand-out to the U.S. government is not likely one of those favorable prospects.