Thai Basil Stir Fry - Cooking for Health and Variety recipes
Thai Basil Stir Fry

Cooking is like weight training: If you're not using the right techniques, you may end up doing more harm than good. Cooking healthy doesn't have to be limited to a basic broil, which can get a little monotonous. Variety is always favorable.

The best way to prepare food is one that requires the least amount of oil. Consider that 1 tablespoon of oil (any kind) contains 14 grams of fat. Generally, three times that (if not more) is used when frying (yes, pan-frying is very similar). By alternating your cooking methods, you can bring out different flavors in your food, retain nutrients and maybe even reduce the mess you create in the kitchen.

Here are some techniques to work into your repertoire:

-- Broiling is a fast method for cooking tender cuts of meat, poultry and fish. The high heat comes from directly above and seals in moisture and flavor. When cooking meat, fat drains off and is easily poured out. Be careful with your marinades. Fat and marinades with sugar often produce excess smoke -- not to mention too many calories.

-- Roasting is high-heat cooking with very little moisture. Roasted foods first get drier and browned on the outside. This keeps most of the moisture from being cooked out of the food. Temperature is then lowered to cook the meat through. The flavors of the protein and the vegetables are retained and enhanced by roasting. Roasting vegetables (any and all) is usually done on high heat (for about 20 minutes) with a spritz of olive oil. When they're done, shave a little fresh Parmesan cheese on top.

-- Stir-frying uses high heat so the food cooks quickly. Vegetables and protein go in a wok (meaning fewer pots and pans to clean) with very little oil (try sesame oil for an Asian flavor). Due to the quick cooking, vegetables maintain their nutrients, flavor and color. If you don't own a wok, I recommend purchasing one.

-- Barbecuing, in my opinion, is the best way to cook. And there's nothing that can't be grilled. Grilling is naturally low in fat because little extra oil is needed. You can brush grilled foods with olive oil or marinate in a little olive oil, mustard and lemon juice. There's little mess to clean up, and barbecuing adds its own unique flavors.

-- Baking is defined as cooking in an oven with dry, even heat throughout. Because no heat passes through, food is allowed to cook it its own flavors and juices. There is little need for additional oils, but do use herbs and spices for flavoring.

-- Steaming usually requires a steamer, a vessel with preformatted holes. The benefit of steaming is that there is very little loss of vitamins and minerals. Lack of flavor is sometimes a complaint. Adding herbs and spices to the water is a great way to overcome that problem.

With exercising, rotating your routines maximizes the benefits of your workouts and keeps you burning more calories, thus maintains motivation and alleviates boredom. And your routine in the kitchen should be no different.

Thai Basil Stir Fry Recipes

Serves 4

1/2 cup chicken stock

1 1/2 tablespoon fish sauce

2 teaspoons soy sauce

1 teaspoon sugar

1 1/2 tablespoons canola oil

3 cloves garlic, minced

2 scallions, minced

3 shallots

1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined; or 1 pound chicken, pork, or beef, thinly sliced

2-3 cups diced vegetables (zucchini, summer squash, onions, and or peppers)

1 bunch fresh basil leaves

Combine the stock, fish sauce, soy sauce and sugar in a small bowl, and stir until the sugar dissolves.

Just before serving, heat a wok over high heat. Swirl in the oil. Add the garlic, scallions and shallots, and cook for 15 seconds or until fragrant but not brown. Add the shrimp and vegetables, and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes.

Add the sauce and most of the basil leaves, and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes, or until the main ingredient is cooked and the vegetables are tender-crisp. Correct the seasoning, adding fish sauce as necessary. Garnish the fish sauce with the remaining basil leaves.

Nutritional information: 84 calories per serving, 2 grams protein, 6 grams fat, 8 g carbohydrates, 249 mg sodium, 1 mg cholesterol.


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Thai Basil Stir Fry - Cooking for Health and Variety - Recipe

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