by Clarence Page

With less than a month to go until the November midterm elections, a clear winner is beginning to emerge in the race to declare the year's biggest political buzzword.

Hey, buzzwords matter. Who could forget -- no matter how much we might like to -- such hits from years past as "chad," "Swift Boat" and "lipstick" as it might be smeared on a pig or a pitbull?

On Tuesday, the website Global Language Monitor, based in Austin, Texas, which has been monitoring words on thousands of news, blogs and social network sites since 2003, announced the No. 1 political buzzword so far this year -- beating out "climate change," "Obama Muslim," "lower taxes" and even "Tea Partiers" -- is (drum roll please) "the narrative."

The Narrative? "It's been running strong since last spring," GLM President Paul J. J. Payack told me in a telephone interview.

That confirmed my suspicion. I don't even have a computerized algorithm like Payack does, but I, too, had begun to notice in my fanatical surfing of political media that the word "narrative" was popping up with increasing frequency.

For example, Steve and Cokie Roberts observed in a recent column, "For a growing number of Americans, President Barack Obama's narrative no longer defines who he is."

Columnist Maureen Dowd similarly wondered back in June how such a gifted storyteller as Obama could "lose control of his own narrative."

E. J. Dionne, writing in The New Republic, notes Obama has decided to "confront a deeply embedded media narrative that sees a Republican triumph as all but inevitable."

In fact, "narrative" was popping up so much in reference to Obama as he grappled with crises like the Gulf oil spill that a Washington Post reporter was inspired to lead one feature with, "Sing to me of the Obama narrative, Muse."

But what does it all mean? Why has "narrative," an ancient word, moved suddenly to center stage in today's politics? I think it has something to do with the growing sophistication of the political spin industry and growing competition between growing media outlets for increasingly fragmented and polarized audiences.

In other words, today's audiences are no longer satisfied with choosing their own news outlets. They also want to choose their own versions of the reality that news covers. Whether they realize it or not, they're shopping for their own "narrative."

Political operatives and increasingly journalists use the term in ways that sound a lot like the old familiars: "spin," "public image," "propaganda" or "party line." But "the narrative" combines all of these strategies into a larger all-encompassing perception of parties, platforms and candidates that boils down to one message: We're on your side and our opponent is a (fill in the blank.)

The rise of "the narrative," as Payack observed, is bigger than spin; it renders actual positions on the issues almost meaningless, "since the positions now matter less than what they seem to mean."

Yet President Barack Obama, among others, knows quite well how quickly your narrative can turn from savior to pin cushion. That's why Democrats, threatened with losing the House and possibly the Senate, too, are putting more attention on House Minority Leader John Boehner. Polls show that the public doesn't know Boehner, and Team Obama is more than happy to provide a narrative to help them out. You don't like Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the "San Francisco Democrat"? the new Democratic narrative goes; say hello to "Speaker Boehner, country club Republican."

Narrative has power. For evidence, look no farther than the Bible, whose lasting power comes largely from its storytelling. It is much easier for most of us to remember how Moses received the Ten Commandments, for example, than to remember what all of those commandments were. (A wise editor I once knew boiled all ten down to one: "Don't!")

The danger comes when politicians and their operatives essentially use "narrative" as a shorthand for "bull," the version of the truth that they want us to believe even when they don't believe it.

That's why the rising prominence of "the narrative" in political discourse should serve as a warning to voters. We like to think we're making informed choices between candidates and issues. The campaigns think we're really voting for one narrative over another.

That's not you? Good. But you may be outvoted.


Available at

Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future

The Backlash: Right-Wing Radicals, High-Def Hucksters, and Paranoid Politics in the Age of Obama

The Feminine Mystique

The Disappearing Center: Engaged Citizens, Polarization, and American Democracy

The Virtues of Mendacity: On Lying in Politics

Bush on the Home Front: Domestic Policy Triumphs and Setbacks

The Political Fix: Changing the Game of American Democracy, from the Grassroots to the White House


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