How to Deal With Jealousy

From the outside, Sheila appeared to have it all: A beautiful house with a well-manicured lawn. Two perfectly behaved children who got good grades and never misbehaved. A successful career as an interior decorator. On top of it all, she was beautiful and married to a successful businessman who adored her.

It would have been easy to hate her.

But Sheila was kind and wonderful, which made her popular too. Everyone marveled at her charmed life -- until we learned that her husband was having an affair. What we thought was so perfect clearly was not.

It's easy to look at other moms and feel envious, especially when they appear to manage the mommy juggling act with great aplomb. Those twinges of envy have been with us since we first eyed another girl's doll collection. And this emotion stayed with us as we later turned green at our friend's perfect wardrobe, dreamy boyfriend and fabulous career.

Truth is we don't really know what's going on in someone else's life, the demons of their past and the sweat they endure as they go through their days. What appears to be so perfect and blissful may, in fact, just be a mirage. We all live with challenges and struggles -- personal, financial or otherwise -- no matter what the outside world may see.

That's why being content with what you do have is so important. So while I may not have a well-manicured lawn and an immaculate house, I do have work that I love. And while my kids may not always behave perfectly, they are kind, loving and generous. It's all about perspective and focus, how you choose to view your circumstances and where you place your attention.

So next time the green-eyed monster rears its ugly head, put it in its place -- somewhere in the deep recesses of your mind. Then look around and celebrate what you have that's good.


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Relationships - How to Deal With Jealousy