Cleaning products are among the most toxic substances that can be found in the average home

Cleaning products are among the most toxic substances that can be found in the average home

Avoiding unsafe cleaning products is just as important as identifying safe ones. About 100,000 chemicals are used commercially, and the production of chemicals doubles every seven years. Cleaning products are among the most toxic substances that can be found in the average home. Most household cleaners are hazardous to health and the environment. In recent years, toxic chemicals have been implicated in the rising incidence of asthma, autism, childhood cancer, leukemia, and reduced sperm count.

Household products may contain dangerous ingredients such as organic solvents and petroleum based chemicals, which can release volatile organic compounds (VOC's) indoors. Studies conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency's Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (TEAM) found levels of about 12 common organic pollutants to be two to five times higher inside your home than outside! Even worse, these contaminants may persist indoors long after using a product.

We cannot assume the household cleaning products we buy are safe because of their availability. There is a great deal we do not know about the chemicals in our cleaners. Firstly, companies are not required to disclose ingredients.

Secondly, it is true that products designed for cleaning will indicate if a poison is included - dangerous if swallowed, enters the eyes, or volatile containers; however, they do not provide information about long term toxicity.

Thirdly, product labels only address acute (immediate) effects but offer no warnings of long-term health implications. Last but not least, common household products are not required to disclose "inert" ingredients which may be hazardous and toxic.

Some ingredients in household cleaners are known to cause cancer in animals and are suspected human carcinogens. The danger the chemicals pose depends on how often you use the products and the length of exposure. Government regulations control emissions, but not exposure.

Here's a list of some of the common chemicals found in household products and the symptoms they can cause. Look out for the following ingredients:


Many toilet, drain, and oven cleaners are labeled "Danger. Corrosive." Corrosives include some of the most dangerous chemicals in the home, such as lye, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, and sulfuric acid. These chemicals can burn the skin, cause internal burns if ingested, and explode if used incorrectly.


Many home and commercial products contain ammonia. This chemical can irritate eyes and lungs and can cause headaches. Ammonia should particularly be avoided by anyone with asthma or other lung sensitivities.

Chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite).

If mixed with ammonia, vinegar or other acid-based cleaners, it will release toxic chloramine gas. Short-term exposure to this gas can cause mild asthmatic symptoms or more serious respiratory problems. Never mix bleach with these other substances.


These are naturally occurring minerals used in automatic dishwashing detergents as a water softener. When released back into the environment, phosphates can cause algae blooms in lakes and ponds that kill aquatic life. Look for phosphate-free dishwashing detergents.

Petroleum distillates are hydrocarbon solvents produced from crude oil.

They are found in a wide variety of consumer-products including lip gloss, liquid gas, fertilizer, furniture polish, pesticides, plastics, paint thinners, solvents, motor oil, fuels, and hundreds of other products. Products containing petroleum distillates should be used carefully. Wear gloves to avoid skin contact and avoid breathing vapors of volatile compounds. Keep out of children's reach.

Phenol and cresol.

Found in disinfectants and can cause diarrhea, fainting, dizziness, and kidney and liver damage if ingested.


Found in furniture and floor polishes. If inhaled, can cause shallow breathing. If ingested, can cause poisoning and death. This substance has also been linked to cancer and birth defects.


A colorless, strong-smelling gas widely used to manufacture building materials and numerous household products. In homes, it is most commonly used as an adhesive resin in pressed wood products. It's also used in glues, preservatives, permanent press fabrics, paper product coatings, and certain insulation materials. Formaldehyde is normally present at low levels, usually less than 0.06 ppm, in both outdoor and indoor air. When present in the air at levels at or above 0.1 ppm, acute health effects may occur, including watery eyes, burning sensations in the eyes, nose and throat, nausea, coughing, skin rashes, and other irritating effects. Formaldehyde has caused cancer in laboratory animals and may cause cancer in humans. There's no known threshold level that does not present the threat of cancer. The risk depends upon quantity and duration of exposure.


Made from coal tar, this volatile hydrocarbon is used for the manufacture of plastics, dyes and solvents, and found in mothballs. It is a suspected carcinogen and may damage the eyes, blood cells, liver, kidneys, skin, and the central nervous system.


Another chemical found in mothballs, toilet disinfectants, and deodorizers. Paradichlorbenzene can harm the central nervous system, liver and kidneys.

Hydrochloric acid or sodium acid sulfate.

Can be found in toilet bowl cleaners. These chemicals can burn the skin and cause blindness if splashed in the eyes, or can burn the stomach if ingested.

When considering the purchase of household products, select natural cleaning products that are biodegradable, all-natural ingredients, and are packaged responsibly. Consciously purchasing these natural cleaning products will support companies that help minimize the impact of hazardous chemicals on health and the environment.

Making Your Own Cleaning Products

Another possibility is to substitute gentler natural cleaning products such as baking soda, vinegar, and liquid soap for most household cleaning. These homemade natural cleaners are simple, and as effective as commercial brands. Although these natural cleaners are derived from nature, some can still be harmful if swallowed; it is important to label them and keep them out of reach of children. Some are also skin irritants. Protect your hands with gloves when cleaning.

Ingredients you'll need to make your own cleaners:

Baking soda

Borax Salt

Corn starch

Hydrogen peroxide

Lemon juice

Liquid soap


Olive oil

Steel wool

White vinegar


Make your own. Mixture 1: Apply a 1:1 solution of vinegar and water. No rinsing necessary. Mixture 2: Add 1 tbsp. (5 ml) Borax and 2 tbsp. (30 ml) vinegar to 2 cups (500 ml) of very hot water. Apply and rinse.


- Bathtub/Sink Stain Cleaner

Make your own: Scrub with paste made from cream of tartar and hydrogen peroxide.

- Toilet Bowl Cleaners

Make your own. Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon sodium lauryl sulfate, 2 tablespoons baking soda, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 2 cups water, 1 teaspoon orange or grapefruit essential oil (optional). Mix all ingredients. Vinegar and baking soda will foam when mixed. Let mixture stand for 10 minutes before pouring into a spray bottle.

Alternative: Use borax and a toilet brush.

- Mold/Mildew Remover

Make your own: Apply some baking soda and vinegar to an old moist toothbrush and scrub the stained area.

- Glass/Window Cleaners

Make your own. Mixture 1: Combine 1 part vinegar to 5 parts water. Spray onto glass. Buff and wipe off with dry newspaper.

Make your own. Mixture 2: Combine the following the juice from one fresh lemon, 2 cups water or club soda , 1/2 teaspoon peppermint essential oil (optional), 1 teaspoon cornstarch. Mix all ingredients and pour into plastic spray bottle. Shake well.


- Spray Disinfectant Cleaner. Ingredients: 1/2 cup Borax, 1 gallon water. Dissolve Borax in hot water. Wipe down areas to be disinfected.

- Dishwasher Detergent. Ingredients: 2 tbsp. baking soda, 2 tbsp. Borax. Mix baking soda and Borax and put mixture in dishwater.

- Grease Cutter. Ingredients: Lemon juice, vinegar, or Borax. Using a scrub brush, scrub with lemon juice, vinegar or Borax.

- Oven Cleaner. Use a 1:1 mixture of baking soda and warm water to make a paste. Apply to oven and let stand for two hours or overnight for tough stains. Scrub off.

- Drain Cleaner/Opener. Ingredients: 1/4 cup vinegar, 1/4 cup baking soda. Mix ingredients and pour mixture down drain. Let stand for at least one minute before rinsing with boiling water. Use a drain screen to prevent clogging.

- Microwave Cleaner. Ingredients 2 tbsp. (30 ml) baking soda or lemon juice, 1 cup water. Mix baking soda and water in a large, microwave-safe bowl. Boil until steam condenses on the sides of the oven (about 5 minutes). Wipe with a clean cloth.


- Floor/Furniture Polish: Mix 1 part lemon juice to 2 parts olive oil OR 1 part vinegar to 3 parts olive oil. Rub into floor or furniture with a mop or soft cloth.

- Carpet Cleaners:

Simple solutions: Sprinkle cornstarch onto carpet. Vacuum. Use club soda on immediate spills.

Make your own. Ingredients: baking soda and soda water. Sprinkle baking soda on stain, drizzle soda water on top. Soak up with a towel.

- Disinfectant: Mix ½ cup (125 ml) Borax with 1 gallon (4 l) warm water.

- Deodorizer: Sprinkling some baking soda or Borax in the bottom of your garbage can will get rid of most odors.


- Laundry Detergent: Mix 1 cup of plain liquid soap with 1/4 cup of Borax. When washing in cold water, mix this powder in a small amount of hot water before adding it to the machine.

- Bleach: For general use, mix 1 part Borax or hydrogen peroxide to 8 parts water. To whiten laundry, add ½ cup (125 ml) vinegar or Borax to the wash water before adding the clothes.










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